Dusty Pink Dried Bouquet
Dusty Pink Dried Bouquet
A dried flower bouquet is the perfect one for: the DIY bride, wedding table decor, floral installations, centerpieces, weddings, party favors, bridal showers, and photo shoots.
Stylish dried flower bouquets comprise natural dried flowers, grasses, and palm leaves.
All flowers are 100% natural products and will last for years, even forever, if cared for properly.
L- 14" long, 12" overall width
M- 12" long, 10" overall width
S- 10" long, 8" overall width
*Please note that the vase is not included in the bouquet.
*Dried flowers are pretty delicate. Some shedding during shipping and while handling is possible.
*To preserve the colors of your dry flowers, be careful not to expose them to direct sunlight, humidity, and heat sources.
I pack every item very carefully, so it will arrive to you in perfect condition.
Materials: Dried flowers, Preserved flowers, Pampas Grass, Bunny tail grass.
Wow, these turned out so gorgeous! Arrived in perfect condition and so nicely packaged, too.